Closed projects
Children of the Sound Region
The project aimed to develop children’s inter-cultural competencies and communication skills, and support integration between the Danish and the Swedish part of Øresund.
Children of the Sound Region
The project aimed to develop children’s inter-cultural competencies and communication skills, and support integration between the Danish and the Swedish part of Øresund.
The ARTEM project develops an innovative training program that aims to strengthen intercultural competencies among professionals or volunteers working with refugees / immigrants and to strengthen competences among refugees / immigrants, so that they can be better included in their new communities.
Paving the way to jobs (PAV)
The project sought to develop the concept of e-learning (distance education) in teaching Danish as a second language. The training combined classroom lessons with lessons at the workplace and/or at a community centre.
Paving the way to jobs (PAV)
The project sought to develop the concept of e-learning (distance education) in teaching Danish as a second language. The training combined classroom lessons with lessons at the workplace and/or at a community centre.
Paving the way to jobs (PAV)
The project sought to develop the concept of e-learning (distance education) in teaching Danish as a second language. The training combined classroom lessons with lessons at the workplace and/or at a community centre.
No Alternative Facts
The objective of No Alternative Facts is to provide young people aged 15-25 with the critical skills needed to distinguish between propaganda and information sources that can be trusted on the internet.
Challenges of the Region: Depopulation Control, Development – best practices (DeCoDe)
The objective of the project is to exchange strategies and good practices about depopulation issues and to discuss how rural areas can be made attractive.
Read more: Challenges of the Region: Depopulation Control, Development – best practices (DeCoDe)
Coast Links
This project originated from the PAV project (supported by the EU’s Equal program). Included in PAV was the dissemination of experiences from the project in two transnational partnerships.
Stronger Together - Prevention of Radicalization in Schools
Stronger Together - Prevention of Radicalization in Schools will help prevent radicalization among 10-12-year-olds by developing a teaching material consisting of five modules and a digital board game.
Read more: Stronger Together - Prevention of Radicalization in Schools
Inclusion Power
This project originated from the PAV project (supported by the EU’s Equal program). Included in PAV was the dissemination of experiences from the project in two transnational partnerships.
The project SEEDS (Social Entrepreneurship Empowering Development in Preschools) aims to develop a European pedagogy aimed at the 21st century and the competencies our children will need to learn in order to be well-functioning citizens and individuals in the future society.
Learning by Doing
Learning by Doing aimed to facilitate the exchange of best practices on integration of migrants and refugees to society, especially in relation to their integration to the labour market.
Learning by Doing
Learning by Doing aimed to facilitate the exchange of best practices on integration of migrants and refugees to society, especially in relation to their integration to the labour market.
Design thinking is usually used as a method for practical and creative solution of problems. D-Learning (Design Thinking as a Means to Innovative Product Development in Adult Learning) will adapt and transfer the methodology from design thinking to adult education institutions.
Character formation through philosophical conversations
The project "Character formation through philosophical conversations in preschool - a Foundation for the Children of the Future" is part of a broader strategic process in Vejle Municipality which focuses on a targeted strengthening of early learning and education in preschool.
Read more: Character formation through philosophical conversations
E-learning at the Workplace
The project aimed to develop methods on workplace-related language teaching for bilinguals.
E-learning at the Workplace
The project aimed to develop methods on workplace-related language teaching for bilinguals.
E-learning at the Workplace
The project aimed to develop methods on workplace-related language teaching for bilinguals.
The ARTEM project develops an innovative training program that aims to strengthen intercultural competencies among professionals or volunteers working with refugees / immigrants and to strengthen competences among refugees / immigrants, so that they can be better included in their new communities.
ArtinLan (A Global Virtual Village for Languages & Art) will develop a learning method that incorporates art in the foreign language lessons in the youngest grades in primary school.
The aim of Netværksmægler (Promotion of Social Networks) was to develop a training course for integration gatekeepers -- i.e., caseworkers, guidance counsellors, teachers, consultants, project staff and coordinators in the municipalities, employment offices, private organisations and companies -- professionals involved in the integration of migrants and refugees.
The aim of Netværksmægler (Promotion of Social Networks) was to develop a training course for integration gatekeepers -- i.e., caseworkers, guidance counsellors, teachers, consultants, project staff and coordinators in the municipalities, employment offices, private organisations and companies -- professionals involved in the integration of migrants and refugees.
The purpose of QuaMMELOT (Qualification for Minor Migrants Education and Learning Open access – Online Teacher-training) is to gather knowledge and develop educational tools for the inclusion of newly arrived bilingual pupils in ordinary school classes.
The objective of PRISMA (Participation Rather Than Integration of Migrant Communities in Adult Learning) is to discuss and exchange good practice in relation to active, strategic involvement of refugees and immigrants in the planning of teaching in the field of adult education.
ArtinLan (A Global Virtual Village for Languages & Art) will develop a learning method that incorporates art in the foreign language lessons in the youngest grades in primary school.
The aim of the project was to strengthen the teaching of Danish as a second language by developing a web-based learning universe (dsa-com - Danish as a second language community).
The aim of the project was to strengthen the teaching of Danish as a second language by developing a web-based learning universe (dsa-com - Danish as a second language community).
Work-VR - Piloting Virtual Reality for Language Learning in the Context of Employability
The project will test Virtual Reality technology as a way to increase the language learning and digital skills of refugees and immigrants.
Read more: Work-VR - Piloting Virtual Reality for Language Learning in the Context of Employability
Work-VR - Piloting Virtual Reality for Language Learning in the Context of Employability
The project will test Virtual Reality technology as a way to increase the language learning and digital skills of refugees and immigrants.
Read more: Work-VR - Piloting Virtual Reality for Language Learning in the Context of Employability
Work-VR - Piloting Virtual Reality for Language Learning in the Context of Employability
The project will test Virtual Reality technology as a way to increase the language learning and digital skills of refugees and immigrants.
Read more: Work-VR - Piloting Virtual Reality for Language Learning in the Context of Employability
EU Awareness
The project aims to strengthen European citizenship by gaining a better understanding of citizens' EU skepticism, as well as informing and creating debate on the EU.
Nordens dage (Nordic Days)
The project aims to strengthen pupils' understanding of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish languages and to awaken an interest and curiosity in the Nordic region.
Diversity Management
The aim of this project was to develop and test a training course on diversity management for employees in Vejle Municipality.
Stronger Together - Prevention of Radicalization in Schools
Stronger Together - Prevention of Radicalization in Schools will help prevent radicalization among 10-12-year-olds by developing a teaching material consisting of five modules and a digital board game.
Read more: Stronger Together - Prevention of Radicalization in Schools
MESI (Migrant Entrepreneurship for Social Inclusion) aims to provide adult educators, trainers, and other professionals with the skills and tools to engage and support refugees and immigrants in becoming entrepreneurs.
Vejen Frem
Vejen frem (The Road Forward) focused on the success stories of a group of migrants and refugees who came to Denmark as adults – aiming to inspire other migrants and refugees.
Vejen Frem
Vejen frem (The Road Forward) focused on the success stories of a group of migrants and refugees who came to Denmark as adults – aiming to inspire other migrants and refugees.
Project Nordlinjen is about being young in the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Denmark. The overall goal is to create greater awareness and greater insight into the community that the young people are part of.
The project further develops and tests the concept "3M: Motor, Mediator and Meeting place" as a method of making adult education centres into knowledge and innovation centres in rural areas.
Video-Based Peer Practice among Language Teachers (V-PAL) will enable language teachers to use video recordings in their competency development and quality improvement of their teaching. The target group is teachers who teach adults in second or foreign languages.
Video-Based Peer Practice among Language Teachers (V-PAL) will enable language teachers to use video recordings in their competency development and quality improvement of their teaching. The target group is teachers who teach adults in second or foreign languages.
L2 Mathematics
Many of the bilingual adults who participate in the Nordic countries' second language teaching (L2 education) also need to upgrade their skills in mathematics.
The project is about learning neighboring languages in the 5th, 6th and 7th grade in primary schools. Learning neighboring languages is considered a shortcut to learning foreign languages, opening up new opportunities for working with linguistic awareness and becoming more aware of your own language and culture.
EPICURO (European Partnership for Innovative Cities within an Urban Resilience Outlook) is a project that focuses on strengthening urban resilience and adaptation to climate change - especially floods.
Prostitution & Trafficking of Women
The project aimed to build equal conditions and rights – socially, health wise, and economically. Moreover, the project aimed to create a debate on prostitution and create better understanding of the issues among the citizens and politicians as well.
Skolen for alle
"Skolen for Alle" is a pilot project that focuses on parents who have Danish as a second language and who have children who go or have to go to school. The project will support the parents in understanding the Danish school model and in communicating with the school.
Ethnic entrepreneurs
The project aimed to help ethnic minorities to successfully start their own business.
The objective of the project, AMARE-EU (Adoption of Multicultural Approaches towards Resilience Enhancement in EU) is to raise awareness on resilience of European cities and to develop concrete solutions to involve and inform those who, due to linguistic, social, economic, and cultural factors, are at severe risk if a natural disaster occurs.
Det Mobile Sproglab
Det Mobile Sproglab (The Mobile Language Laboratory) aimed to offer adult bilinguals new opportunities to use Danish in ordinary daily conversations and at the workplace. Daily life conversations could be at their children’s schools or day care centres, at association meetings, with neighbours, as well as at the workplace – at the cafeteria, with the employer, with customers, etc.