Children & Youth

With Stronger Together, you get both teaching material, a digital board game and a handbook for your work with 10-12 year olds on anti-radicalization.

Find it all here.

Er du kommende ny forælder i folkeskolen? På får du viden om 0.-3. årgang generelt, for dit barn og for dig som forælder. Siden er lavet med tanke for forældre med anden etnisk baggrund end dansk - men giver god viden til ALLE.

Are you a future new parent in the Danish primary school? At you get knowledge about 0.-3. grade in general as well as for your child and for you as a parent. The site is made for parents with ethnic minority background - but provides good knowledge for EVERYONE.

Teen City (2010) – is a game targeting young people. The purpose is to prevent crime.

Read more: Teen City

Underviser du unge mellem 15 og 25? Så er No Alternative Facts måske noget for dig! Her får du bl.a. metoder til at arbejde med viden om "fake news", så opmærksomheden om informationers sandhedsværdi skærpes. Der arbejdes med forskellige kategorier af "fake news" og håndtering af "fake news", og så introduceres der til brugen af spil og gives adgang til spilbaseret læring.

Do you teach young people between 15 and 25? Then No Alternative Facts might be for you! Here you get i.a. methods of working with knowledge about "fake news", so that awareness of the truth value of information is sharpened. The project works with different categories of "fake news" and handling of "fake news", introduces to the use of games and gives access to game-based learning.

Read more and get access to the resources here.

Do you work with inclusion of newly arrived refugees / migrants in primary school (10-16 year olds)? Project Quammelot has made an inspirational material with concrete exercises for the teaching. The material is in both Danish and English.

Find it here.

Do you want inspiration for creative language teaching for children? ArtinLan has a wealth of ideas that make use of: music, visual arts, dance, drama, creative writing, etc.

Get your inspiration here.

Do you work in a day care center? Do you want inspiration for working with 21st century skills? Through play and experiments, project SEEDS has come up with a lot of fun ideas for how to, among other things, mix digital media, robots and small diodes, games, fairy tales and experiments.

Read more: SEEDS


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