Learning with IT
Work-VR - Piloting Virtual Reality for Language Learning in the Context of Employability
The project will test Virtual Reality technology as a way to increase the language learning and digital skills of refugees and immigrants.
Read more: Work-VR - Piloting Virtual Reality for Language Learning in the Context of Employability
Video-Based Peer Practice among Language Teachers (V-PAL) will enable language teachers to use video recordings in their competency development and quality improvement of their teaching. The target group is teachers who teach adults in second or foreign languages.
The purpose of QuaMMELOT (Qualification for Minor Migrants Education and Learning Open access – Online Teacher-training) is to gather knowledge and develop educational tools for the inclusion of newly arrived bilingual pupils in ordinary school classes.
EUROSIM (Hunt for Europe: Using Language Simulator in Culture & Language Integrated Learning) aims to support and strengthen the learning of different European languages and cultures, and promote European languages and cultural diversity.
Children as Digital World Citizens
The project is a research process that will map - and develop ideas for - the use of digital media in daycare institutions, focusing on digital education.
The objective of StartDansk is to offer students at the language centres’ Danish Education 1, Module 1 and 2, a simple and relevant IT material that supports both language acquisition and digital skills development.
The objective of AsylDansk is to establish an IT learning cluster on, respectively, Thyregod and Jelling Asylcenter, where residents can begin to acquire knowledge of the Danish language, as well as culture, through the game "The Hunt for Harald".
Pilot school courses
"Pilot school courses" is a collaboration project between VIFIN, Vinding Skole, Grejsdal Skole, Sprogcenter Vejle and Give Uddannelsescenter. The objective is to ensure competence development at the respective schools and the development of new courses and course formats in VIFIN.
KomSim (The Communications Simulator)
The project aims to test if the technology being used in the Dansksimulator (Danish Language Simulator) platform can also be successfully used in rehabilitating the verbal language skills of seniors with brain damage.
The project aims at transforming Dansksimulatoren (Danish simulator) so it can also be used by children receiving instruction in Danish as a second language in general education as well as in reception classes.
Søren Kierkegaard – A Love Mystery
The objective of the project was to create a mainly digital presentation of Søren Kierkegaard for beginners, in the occasion of the 200th anniversary of his birth. Various platforms (Layar Augmented Reality, YouTube, Facebook, iBook and a classic paper edition) were used for the presentation.
Jelling – the kingdom and the regent
The objective of the project was to develop an online teaching material for pupils in grade 3-5 about King Harald Blåtand and his son Svend Tveskæg.
The aim of the project was to develop a 3D virtual game universe for learning Danish language and culture.
Promoting ICT Learning Processes in Europe (PILPE)
PILPE aimed to promote awareness and the use of computers and information technology (IT) in the learning process of the youth and adult learners. Specifically, the project wanted to identify the factors that hinder them from using ICT and why some develop negative attitude towards the technology.
Read more: Promoting ICT Learning Processes in Europe (PILPE)
Medics on the Move
Medics On the Move (MoM) aimed to provide medical professionals working abroad with linguistic tools that will help them function more effectively in the foreign language environment.
Language & Culture Explorers Club
Language and Culture Explorers Club aimed to motivate and encourage people to communicate and learn Germanic and Baltic languages as well as discover different European cultures.
Labour Market Inclusion through E-Learning for Vulnerable Groups (LMIEL)
The project aimed to promote e-learning tools for the labour market inclusion of refugees or asylum seekers in Slovakia and other vulnerable groups.
Read more: Labour Market Inclusion through E-Learning for Vulnerable Groups (LMIEL)
E-Nordic Network
The project sought to establish a network among Nordic and Baltic countries focusing on e-learning, sharing of experiences and knowledge on teaching methods of Nordic languages.
E-learning to Live in a Dynamic Europe (ELLDE)
The project aims to support adults -- second chance learners -- who have not completed an education or are looking to improve their skills and competences by providing them the possibility to develop their IT skills, knowledge about European culture and the labour market.
Animated speech sounds, dialogues and pronunciation
The objective of the project was to further develop Udtaleværkstedet in http://www.dansk.nu/ with animations of all Danish speech sounds, exercises in dialogues and a teaching tool to produce your own pronunciation exercises.
Read more: Animated speech sounds, dialogues and pronunciation
E-learning at the Workplace
The project aimed to develop methods on workplace-related language teaching for bilinguals.
Paving the way to jobs (PAV)
The project sought to develop the concept of e-learning (distance education) in teaching Danish as a second language. The training combined classroom lessons with lessons at the workplace and/or at a community centre.
The project explored the possibilities of using 'MobiSticks' (2D codes) in teaching and communication.
MobiSticks at Work
The objective of the project was to test MobiSticks codes in a business-related context. MobiSticks are 2D codes that are scanned with the camera on a mobile phone and refer to a website or material (text, audio, image, video, pdf file).
MobiDic – The Mobile Dictionary
The aim of this project was to develop free mini dictionaries to workers, who speak Polish, German or English.