Learning with IT - Current

Social Inclusion of People with Autism Spectrum Syndrome through Virtual Reality

The project ‘Social Inclusion of People with Autism Spectrum Syndrome through Virtual Reality’ (VRAA) aims to develop tools with the purpose of enhancing social inclusion of people with autism spectrum syndrome, using virtual reality. The tools will be developed by young people with autism.

Read more: Social Inclusion of People with Autism Spectrum Syndrome through Virtual Reality


VALITS 2.0 (Validating Informal and Transversal Skills for Disadvantaged and Low Skilled Persons) seeks to develop a new method for the recognition of informal and transversal skills among disadvantaged and low skilled people.

Read more: VALITS 2.0



The objective of IRENE (Increase the Empowerment of Adults and Migrants with Specific Learning Disorders) is to structure and test a methodology that, through self-study, should facilitate learning of a foreign or second language in adults with learning disabilities, including immigrants.

Read more: IRENE

Digital Media for Children


Digital Media for Children is a project that tests the viability of using digital media in the context of day-care centers, focusing on improving the skills of child care givers, testing ideas, developing templates for progress, sharing of knowledge and experiences, and networking.

Read more: Digital Media for Children


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