Labour Market

Handbook - Ready for Europe

Handbook – Ready for Europe. Vocational Training for the Public Service (2014) – is a handbook of teaching plans and materials for teaching civil servants how to manage international partnership projects.

Read more: Handbook - Ready for Europe

Better Jobs for 50 Plus

Better Jobs for 50 Plus (2010) - is a project report that provides insight into the conditions of the labour market for people over 50 years in Italy, Hungary, Denmark, England and Malta.

Read more: Better Jobs for 50 Plus


Senior@work (2008) - a study of how, in four European countries (Italy, Belgium, Ireland and Denmark), they have at a local level emphasized retaining older workers.

Read more: Senior@work

CoastLinks: Labour Integration of Migrants in Denmark, Germany and Italy

CoastLinks: Labour Integration of Migrants in Denmark, Germany and Italy (2005) - provides an overview of the barriers that may exist for immigrants in relation to access to and retention in employment.

Read more: CoastLinks: Labour Integration of Migrants in Denmark, Germany and Italy

CoastLinks: Toolbox for Integration of Migrants

CoastLinks: Toolbox for Integration of Migrants (2005) - provides examples of successful initiatives to attract and retain immigrants in the labour market in Denmark, Germany and Italy.

Read more: CoastLinks: Toolbox for Integration of Migrants

Learning by Doing

Learning by Doing – Best Practices on Integration of Migrants to the Labour Market (2005)

Read more: Learning by Doing


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