Children & Youth - Closed
Character formation through philosophical conversations
The project "Character formation through philosophical conversations in preschool - a Foundation for the Children of the Future" is part of a broader strategic process in Vejle Municipality which focuses on a targeted strengthening of early learning and education in preschool.
Read more: Character formation through philosophical conversations
ArtinLan (A Global Virtual Village for Languages & Art) will develop a learning method that incorporates art in the foreign language lessons in the youngest grades in primary school.
No Alternative Facts
The objective of No Alternative Facts is to provide young people aged 15-25 with the critical skills needed to distinguish between propaganda and information sources that can be trusted on the internet.
The project SEEDS (Social Entrepreneurship Empowering Development in Preschools) aims to develop a European pedagogy aimed at the 21st century and the competencies our children will need to learn in order to be well-functioning citizens and individuals in the future society.
Stronger Together - Prevention of Radicalization in Schools
Stronger Together - Prevention of Radicalization in Schools will help prevent radicalization among 10-12-year-olds by developing a teaching material consisting of five modules and a digital board game.
Read more: Stronger Together - Prevention of Radicalization in Schools
The purpose of QuaMMELOT (Qualification for Minor Migrants Education and Learning Open access – Online Teacher-training) is to gather knowledge and develop educational tools for the inclusion of newly arrived bilingual pupils in ordinary school classes.
New ways of cooperating with parents in a multilingual daycare
The project "New ways of cooperating with parents in a multilingual daycare" aims to strengthen cooperation with parents in “Bullerbo” daycare center, thereby strengthening daily educational work with, among other things, language and digital media.
Read more: New ways of cooperating with parents in a multilingual daycare
Early Learning in Daycare
The project "Early Learning in Daycare - Inclusive Learning Environments on the Children’s Terms" is part of a broader strategic process in Vejle Municipality to develop a new targeted approach to support early learning in daycare.
Children as Digital World Citizens
The project is a research process that will map - and develop ideas for - the use of digital media in daycare institutions, focusing on digital education.
Open School
Open School was a project that took place at Vinding Skole in the school year 2015/16.
Project Nordlinjen is about being young in the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Denmark. The overall goal is to create greater awareness and greater insight into the community that the young people are part of.
The project is about learning neighboring languages in the 5th, 6th and 7th grade in primary schools. Learning neighboring languages is considered a shortcut to learning foreign languages, opening up new opportunities for working with linguistic awareness and becoming more aware of your own language and culture.
Pilot school courses
"Pilot school courses" is a collaboration project between VIFIN, Vinding Skole, Grejsdal Skole, Sprogcenter Vejle and Give Uddannelsescenter. The objective is to ensure competence development at the respective schools and the development of new courses and course formats in VIFIN.
The project aims at transforming Dansksimulatoren (Danish simulator) so it can also be used by children receiving instruction in Danish as a second language in general education as well as in reception classes.
Digital formativ sprogscreening på EUD (Digital formative language screening at VET Schools)
The project aims to develop a digital language screening tool for technical/vocational training. It builds on, among others, VIFIN’s existing language screening tools (see here: (se her).
Jelling – the kingdom and the regent
The objective of the project was to develop an online teaching material for pupils in grade 3-5 about King Harald Blåtand and his son Svend Tveskæg.
Youth Fight for Democracy
The project aimed at engaging vulnerable young people and minorities in issues of democracy and active participation in society.
Children of the Sound Region
The project aimed to develop children’s inter-cultural competencies and communication skills, and support integration between the Danish and the Swedish part of Øresund.
Languages from the Cradle
Languages from the Cradle aimed at promoting the learning of European languages, particularly the less widely used and taught languages through lullabies.
Police’s Itineraries in the Multi-Professional Network for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (ITER)
Together with a multi professional network (including among others, the police and SSP) the project aimed to prevent criminality among young people.
Double Bubble
The project used innovative advertising tools to promote the multilingual comprehension of Germanic languages (Danish, German, Norwegian, Swedish and Icelandic).
Language Screening for Vocational Schools
The project developed a tool that aims to test the proficiency in the Danish language of bilingual students enrolled in vocational schools.
Actvise – Forum Theatre
The project aimed to improve the competences of teachers and guidance counselors by providing them with an innovative pedagogical tool – the Forum Theatre technique and use of the mobile technology – to motivate high risk-students (migrants and socially at risk groups) to complete an education.
Young Ambassadors for Democracy and Inclusion
The project aimed to build competences of young people already engaged in volunteer activities, thus creating a resourceful group of young people capable of disseminating the thought and reflections about active citizenship and democracy, and self-sufficiency.
Nordens dage (Nordic Days)
The project aims to strengthen pupils' understanding of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish languages and to awaken an interest and curiosity in the Nordic region.