IT Development & Support
Based on extensive experience with projects involving IT and digital media, VIFIN offers to solve diverse IT tasks for institutions and departments in Vejle.
We can help with setting up learning platforms and software development - and we provide sparring and assistance in relation to the technical and practical use of a number of programs and technologies.
Developing and setting up blogs and learning platforms
When we set up blogs, we work in our own design or in CMS systems like Joomla, Wordpress, Blogger and Google Sites. In addition, we have special experience in designing and building learning platforms in the following LMS systems: NetOp Learning Center (Cursum) and Moodle, where we also integrate exercises from authoring tools such as Hot Potatoes, Udutu and Viewlet Builder.
If you or your organization need ongoing support, we can of course offer that too in relation to the above mentioned.
We can also develop more customized IT solutions such as mobile / tablet apps or web apps with specific functionalities such as speech recognition, special exercise types as well as logging and scoring.
Sparring and help for the use of programs and technologies
VIFIN is able to provide help for the technical and practical use of a variety of technologies. We can provide introductions to and sparring on the use of a number of programs, social and learning platforms, mobiles, tablets and interactive whiteboards.
If you or your organization need sparring on the practical execution of online meetings or webinars, that is also possible to get at VIFIN. In connection with our own work, we carry out both webinars and online meetings of various kinds. They take place in Adobe Connect.
In addition to technical development, sparring and help, VIFIN also offers training and sparring on the pedagogical use of digital media, see: Courses, Workshops, Webinars and Practice-related Training
Do you wish to learn more about the possibilities, please contact:
Niels Ole Ankerstjerne
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Tel. +45 2338 3448