Courses, Workshops, Webinars

VIFIN offers a wide range of courses, workshops, and webinars, to institutions and departments in Vejle Municipality. We cover everything from project development and fundraising to award-winning language learning platforms as well as inclusion of digital media in education and pedagogy in general.

Our expertise is, among other things, built up over the many national and international projects which have been implemented since 2002.

We offer courses where form and content is basically determined by us and customized courses where the planning takes place in dialogue with the customer.

Currently we offer the following established courses: 


  • Project development and fundraising - from idea to evaluation and anchoring
  • Change theory – get a grip on the process from activities to impact
  • Constructions of questionnaires – ask better questions and get answers that can be used

Digital Tools for Learning Danish as a Second Language

  • - do you know all the possibilities?
  • The Pronunciation Trainer - what does it do?
  • Dansksimulatoren – a serious games platform for learning Danish
  • Talk your way to the language – speech recognition in practice
  • Brush-up Danish course - for unemployed

Digital Media in Daycare  

  • iPads in daycare - beginner's course
  • iPads in daycare - advanced course

Digital Media in Education

  • iPads in education - get started
  • iPads in education - sharing and cooperating
  • Administration of mobile units
  • Video in education - tools and methods
  • Google Apps for Education
  • Photos, language and culture - instagram in (language) learning
  • Creative and digital storytelling - an introduction to how students can produce digital communication
  • Mobile Detectives - a play with mobiles and crime genre
  • Questions, games and polls - tools and ideas


  • Skolegade 1, 7100 Vejle
  • +45 7681 3882
  • 579 80 06 36 13 35
  • 29 18 99 00

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