WI-CaN (Women, Integration, Crafts and Networking)


The project sought to integrate socially isolated migrant women through cooking and nutrition, crafts (e.g. sewing and needlework) and cultural exchange.

It was envisioned that these initiatives would inspire migrant women, help them become a part of a network, and eventually empower them to take a more active role in inspiring other women, as well as seek and find employment.


Local club evenings and cultural events was to promote informal learning, networking and cultural understanding.
The club evenings and meetings led to the production of: an international cook book (with cultural information on the origin of the food), a collection of needlework products, a picture book with translations (in the languages represented in the partnership), an intercultural quilt showing the participants' story and culture, and a website.


The project was coordinated by Vejle Municipality Special Projects Unit in cooperation with VIFIN. Partners in the project were:

  • НАЦИОНАЛНА АСОЦИАЦИЯ НА ОБЩИНСКИТЕ СЛУЖИТЕЛИ В БЪЛГАРИЯ (National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria, Bulgaria 
  • Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V. (Association of Education Initiatives in Lower Saxony), Germany 
  • Associación D’ Alumnes FPA Beniassent (FPA Beniassent Amumni Association), Spain
  • Toplumsal Rehabilitasyon Derneği (Association of Social Rehabilitation), Turkey 
  • Building Women’s Capacity for Well Being, UK


The project was funded by EU Lifelong Learning - Grundtvig Learning Partnership Program, and ran from August 2011 to July 2013.

More information

You can find more information on the project's website: http://wi-can.vifin.dk/

In Vejle, WI-CaN is now an association - if you are interested in following the activities, or becoming a member of the association, go to Facebook: http://da-dk.facebook.com/wican.eu



  • Skolegade 1, 7100 Vejle
  • +45 7681 3882
  • 579 80 06 36 13 35
  • 29 18 99 00

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