Skolen for alle


"Skolen for Alle" is a pilot project that focuses on parents who have Danish as a second language and who have children who go or have to go to school. The project will support the parents in understanding the Danish school model and in communicating with the school.

The target group of this pilot project is parents of children in schooling. The aim of the project is to develop and test a method that can be further developed so that more parents and their children can benefit from it in the longer term.

The project develops and tests teaching material and courses that will give parents a greater insight into the primary school. Furthermore, the project seeks to improve the parents’ communication skills and cultural understanding so that they can communicate and cooperate better with the school.

The materials, which will be available on an online platform, will thus consist of both information about the primary school in Denmark and communication and cultural training. In addition, the project will establish network groups at the library, which gives parents the opportunity to meet to get training and share knowledge and experiences.

The project is implemented in cooperation between:

  • VIFIN (coordinator)
  • Vejle Midtbyskole
  • Sprogcenter Vejle
  • Vejle Bibliotekerne

The project is supported by TrygFonden and is implemented from August 2018 to August 2020.

More information
For further information, go to or contact project manager Tina Møller Kristensen: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



  • Skolegade 1, 7100 Vejle
  • +45 7681 3882
  • 579 80 06 36 13 35
  • 29 18 99 00

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