Mobile-Assisted Language Learning at the Workplace


The project sought to build solid partnerships between the regional network of corporations and Region South Denmark in relation to the continuing education offered by the region. Specifically, the project aimed to develop innovative and growth-enhancing training for staff of small and medium enterprises (SME).


Based on analysis of a range of SME-specific needs for training Danish as a second language and English, the project developed and tested flexible courses using mobile platforms and the theory of job-related practical learning, second language acquisition (SLA), and location-based learning and training.


Project partners included:

  • VUC Fredericia (Fredericia Adult Educational Centre),
  • The Danish School of Education at the University of Aarhus,
  • Aarhus School of Business
  • Biz-Art (Centre for Art and Business)
  • Vejle Language School
  • Netværkslokomotivet (a network of companies in Vejle, Fredericia and Kolding towns)
  • 3F (Trade Union)
  • AMU Syd (Labour Market Training, a learning institution in South Denmark)
  • VUC Vest (Adult Education Centre Sønderjylland)


The project was funded by the EU-Social Fund and Vækstforum, Region South Denmark.


  • Skolegade 1, 7100 Vejle
  • +45 7681 3882
  • 579 80 06 36 13 35
  • 29 18 99 00

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