Forsidespots (uk)
Who Conducts the Orchestra
The project ‘Who Conducts the Orchestra: A Shared Responsibility of Parents, Teachers & Pedagogues in Children’s Education’ seeks to enhance cooperation between parents and teachers, while putting greater emphasis on parent’s involvement in their children’s education.
KomSim (The Communications Simulator)
The project aims to test if the technology being used in the Dansksimulator (Danish Language Simulator) platform can also be successfully used in rehabilitating the verbal language skills of seniors with brain damage.
Work-VR - Piloting Virtual Reality for Language Learning in the Context of Employability
The project will test Virtual Reality technology as a way to increase the language learning and digital skills of refugees and immigrants.
Read more: Work-VR - Piloting Virtual Reality for Language Learning in the Context of Employability
Digitale Børn (Digital Kids)
Digital Kids is a pilot project that tests the viability of using digital media in the context of day-care centers, focusing on improving the skills of child care givers, testing ideas, developing templates for progress, sharing of knowledge and experiences, and networking.
Video-Based Peer Practice among Language Teachers (V-PAL) will enable language teachers to use video recordings in their competency development and quality improvement of their teaching. The target group is teachers who teach adults in second or foreign languages.
Taste Different
The project aims to promote social inclusion by sharing the participating countries’ cultural heritage and providing participants with new skills through cooking: sharing recipes, sharing the tradition of using spices, etc.
EPICURO (European Partnership for Innovative Cities within an Urban Resilience Outlook) is a project that focuses on strengthening urban resilience and adaptation to climate change - especially floods.
To nye projekter bygger videre på Dansksimulatoren
Dansksimulatoren ApS har fået midler til to projekter, som på forskellig måde bygger videre på Dansksimulatoren – til gavn for hhv. senhjerneskadede voksne og tosprogede børn.
Read more: To nye projekter bygger videre på Dansksimulatoren
"Signs" Goes North
"Signs" Goes North will develop an innovative model to enhance cultural diversity and social inclusion. Through visual representations and 'digital storytelling', newly arrived refugees and immigrants will gain access to the local language and culture, as well as local people will be introduced to the cultures and languages of the newcomers.
Tre niveauer i Online Dansk er nu klar til brug
VIFIN har netop leveret niveauet Øvet til Online Dansk. Et e-læringsmateriale i dansk for voksne udlændinge, som vi udarbejder til Undervisningsministeriet.
EUROSIM (Hunt for Europe: Using Language Simulator in Culture & Language Integrated Learning) aims to support and strengthen the learning of different European languages and cultures, and promote European languages and cultural diversity.
VIFIN deltager i nationalt Smart City-netværk
Ministeriet for By, Bolig og Landdistrikter har i samarbejde med Aarhus Universitet etableret et Smart City-netværk. Som en af de institutioner i Vejle Kommune, der arbejder med Smart City-begrebet, deltager VIFIN i netværket.
The project EMBRACE (Enhancement of Migrants aBilities and Recognition of their Acquired Competences, in Europe) will develop and test a transnational method for identification, documentation, and validation of skills and competences acquired by immigrants in their original countries – particularly within the food and agribusiness.
Dansksimulatoren – et prisvindende læringsspil
Dansksimulatoren er et virtuelt 3D-spilunivers, der kan hjælpe fremmedsprogede med at lære dansk sprog og kultur. Spillet vandt EU's Sprogpris i 2012!
The aim of ELAINE (European Local Authorities Integration Network) is to exchange experiences, ideas and best practices as well as to increase knowledge and develop recommendations on the integration process on both a local, national and European level.
Online håndbog i forumteater
I kølvandet på afslutningen af projekt Actvise – Forum Theatre er online håndbogen nu klar til brug.
The purpose of EVA (A European Entrepreneurship VET Model and Assessment Framework for Ethnic Minorities) is to develop tools for assessing and developing competencies of refugees and immigrants who want to be entrepreneurs.